About us

Student Parent Stories is a heartfelt space where the dynamic worlds of parenthood and student life intersect. We are a community of resilient individuals navigating the unique challenges of raising children while pursuing our academic dreams. Here, we share our stories, victories, and struggles, creating a supportive haven for student parents everywhere. Join us as we celebrate the triumphs, commiserate through the trials, and inspire each other on this incredible journey of parenthood and education. Your story is part of our narrative, and together, we embrace the adventure of shaping both our academic and parenting futures. We encourage you to share your story with us by filling out the contact form below.

About Me

Hello, I’m Naomi, the driving force and storyteller weaving the narrative of this blog. Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at Cal State Long Beach, I wear the dual hats of a dedicated student and a nurturing mother to two. Through my years in higher education, I’ve encountered numerous fellow students juggling the intricate dance of parenthood and academics. This blog is my heartfelt endeavor to create a sanctuary for the untold tales of student parents—the victories, the challenges, and the unique journey we all share. Here, you’ll find reassurance that you’re not alone on this path, and your story, your triumphs, your struggles—they all matter. If you have a story to share, please connect with me at na.rosales39@gmail.com. Together, let’s illuminate the rich tapestry of student parenthood

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